# Upsert custom objects action

This action creates or updates custom objects in Marketo.

It searches for custom objects in Marketo by a specified lookup field. If found, this action updates the custom object with the data provided. If not found, this action creates new custom objects with the data provided. It accepts a list of maximum 300 custom object records. This action fails if more than 300 custom object records are provided.

# Input fields

Field Description
Custom object / Custom object name Select a custom object name from the list, or enter a custom object name with the suffix _c.

After selecting or entering the custom object name, input fields dynamically generate based on the fields associated with the custom object.

# Output fields

Field Description
Request ID The unique ID of the operation request.
Number of records processed The total number of records processed.
Number of records created The total number of records created during the operation.
Number of records updated The total number of records updated during the operation.
Number of records skipped The total number of records skipped during the operation.
Custom objects created An array of custom objects that were created.
Created at (custom objects created) The timestamp when each custom object was created.
Marketo GUID (custom objects created) The unique Marketo identifier for each created custom object.
Updated at (custom objects created) The timestamp when each custom object was last updated.
Custom objects updated An array of custom objects that were updated.
Created at (custom objects updated) The timestamp when each custom object was created.
Marketo GUID (custom objects updated) The unique Marketo identifier for each updated custom object.
Updated at (custom objects updated) The timestamp when each custom object was last updated.
Custom objects skipped An array of custom objects that were skipped.
Created at (custom objects skipped) The timestamp when each skipped custom object was created.
Marketo GUID (custom objects skipped) The unique Marketo identifier for each skipped custom object.
Updated at (custom objects skipped) The timestamp when each skipped custom object was last updated.
Error (custom objects skipped) An error object containing details about why custom objects were skipped.
Code (error) The error code associated with any failure in the operation.
Message (error) The error message providing details about the failure.

Last updated: 10/2/2024, 3:53:41 PM