# Setting up On-prem Agent

Before getting started on on-prem agents, you should have set up an on-prem group:

  1. Create an on-prem group.
  2. Add agent to your on-prem group.

After setting up the on-prem agent on your network and testing the connection, your on-prem agent has been successfully been set up.

Completed the on-prem agent setup Completed the on-prem agent setup

Now you can:

  1. Toggle the active/inactive status of your on-prem agents.
  2. Configure connection profiles for your agents.
  3. Set up recipe connections with on-prem agents.
  4. Upgrade your on-prem agent.
  5. Set up password encryption.
  6. Set up a proxy environment for your on-prem agent.
  7. Connect to legacy applications using Java.

Last updated: 9/2/2022, 8:58:40 AM