# Activity audit log API reference
This page provides a reference for the resource types and event types you can use as query parameters to filter responses from the Get activity audit log API.
- Resource types specify which resource categories the API should include in the activity audit log results. For example, use
to retrieve only activities related to recipes. - Event types define the events logged for these resource types, such as creating or deleting a recipe.
The resource types and event types listed in this document are specific to the activities available in your workspace for direct customers and the admin workspace for Embedded partners. You can use the following query parameters to include or exclude these types in your results:
# Resource types
The following table maps each resource_type
used in the API to its corresponding display name in the user interface.
# Event types
The following events are grouped by their associated resource type. Each resource type represents a category of activities tracked in the audit log.
# Account
Event type | Description |
branding_updated | Embedded partners only. The branding of admin and customer workspaces was updated. |
# AccountProperty
Event type | Description |
account_property_created | An environment property was created. |
account_property_deleted | An environment property was deleted. |
account_property_updated | An environment property was updated. |
# Adapter
Event type | Description |
connector_created | A custom connector was created. |
connector_deleted | A custom connector was deleted. |
connector_installed | A custom connector was installed in the workspace. |
connector_released | A custom connector was released. |
connector_shared | A custom connector was shared. |
connector_shared_closed_source_changed | The source code sharing settings of a custom connector were modified. |
connector_updated | A custom connector was updated. |
# ApiAccessProfile
Event type | Description |
access_profile_api_key_refreshed | The API key for an access profile was refreshed. |
access_profile_created | An API access profile was created. |
access_profile_deleted | An API access profile was deleted. |
access_profile_updated | An API access profile was updated. |
# ApiClient
Event type | Description |
developer_api_client_created | A Developer API client was created. |
developer_api_client_deleted | A Developer API client was deleted. |
developer_api_client_updated | A Developer API client was updated. |
token_leaked | The API token for a Developer API client was leaked. |
token_regenerated | A token was regenerated for a Developer API client. |
# ApiCustomer
Event type | Description |
api_customer_created | An API client was created in the API platform. |
api_customer_deleted | An API client was deleted in the API platform. |
api_customer_updated | An API client was updated in the API platform. |
# ApiEndpoint
Event type | Description |
endpoint_activated | An API endpoint was activated in an API collection. |
endpoint_created | An API endpoint was created in an API collection. |
endpoint_deactivated | An API endpoint was deactivated in an API collection. |
endpoint_deleted | An API endpoint was deleted from an API collection. |
endpoint_updated | An API endpoint was updated in an API collection. |
# ApiGroup
Event type | Description |
api_collection_created | An API collection was created. |
api_collection_deleted | An API collection was deleted. |
api_collection_updated | An API collection was updated. |
# ApiPolicy
Event type | Description |
api_policy_created | An API policy was created. |
api_policy_deleted | An API policy was deleted. |
api_policy_updated | An API policy was updated. |
# ApiPrivilegeGroup
Event type | Description |
api_privilege_group_created | A Developer API client role was created. |
api_privilege_group_deleted | A Developer API client role was deleted. |
api_privilege_group_updated | A Developer API client role was updated. |
# AuditLogReplicationSettings
Event type | Description |
audit_log_streaming_content_updated | The audit log streaming content was updated. |
audit_log_streaming_destination_updated | The audit log streaming destination was updated. |
audit_log_streaming_disabled | Audit log streaming was disabled in Workspace admin or the Admin console (Embedded). |
audit_log_streaming_enabled | Audit log streaming was enabled in Workspace admin or the Admin console (Embedded). |
# CommunityAdapterPublication
Event type | Description |
community_adapter_publication_approved | A community connector listing was approved. |
community_adapter_publication_deleted | A community connector listing was deleted. |
community_adapter_publication_for_review | A community connector listing was submitted for review. |
community_adapter_publication_updated_by_admin | A community connector listing was updated by an admin. |
# CustomOauthKey
Event type | Description |
custom_oauth_key_created | A custom OAuth profile was created. |
custom_oauth_key_deleted | A custom OAuth profile was deleted. |
custom_oauth_key_updated | A custom OAuth profile was updated. |
# CustomOauthKeyAssignment
Event type | Description |
custom_oauth_profile_assignment_created | Embedded partners only. A custom OAuth profile was assigned to a customer workspace or a specific environment in the customer workspace. |
custom_oauth_profile_assignment_deleted | Embedded partners only. A custom OAuth profile was removed from a customer workspace or a specific environment in the customer workspace. |
# Deployment
Event type | Description |
deployment_failed | A deployment failed. |
deployment_finished | A deployment finished. |
deployment_review_approved | A deployment was approved. |
deployment_review_comment_created | A comment was added to a deployment asset. |
deployment_review_created | A review was created for a deployment. |
deployment_review_created_comment | A comment was added to a deployment review. |
deployment_review_deleted | A deployment review was deleted. |
deployment_review_rejected | A deployment was rejected. |
deployment_review_reset | A deployment was re-opened for review. |
deployment_review_updated_comment | A comment added to a deployment review was updated. |
deployment_submitted_for_review | A deployment was submitted for review. |
# ExportManifest
Event type | Description |
manifest_created | A manifest was created. |
manifest_deleted | A manifest was deleted. |
manifest_updated | A manifest was updated. |
# Flow
Event type | Description |
recipe_concurrency_updated | A recipe's concurrency setting was updated. |
recipe_copied | A recipe was copied. |
recipe_created | A recipe was created. |
recipe_data_retention_settings_updated | A recipe's data retention settings were updated. |
recipe_deleted | A recipe was deleted. |
recipe_made_private | A recipe was made private. |
recipe_made_public | A recipe was made public. |
recipe_moved | A recipe was moved to a different folder. |
recipe_renamed | A recipe was renamed. |
recipe_started | A recipe was started. |
recipe_stopped | A recipe was stopped. |
recipe_trigger_reset | A recipe's trigger was reset. |
recipe_undeleted | A recipe was restored. |
recipe_updated | A recipe was updated. |
tags_added | Tags were added to a recipe. |
tags_removed | Tags were removed from a recipe. |
# Folder
Event type | Description |
folder_created | A folder was created. |
folder_deleted | A folder was deleted. |
folder_moved | A folder was moved to a different project or folder. |
folder_renamed | A folder was renamed. |
# LCAP::Models::App
Event type | Description |
lcap_app_created | Direct only. A Workflow app was created. |
lcap_app_deleted | Direct only. A Workflow app was deleted. |
lcap_app_published | Direct only. A Workflow app was published. |
lcap_app_renamed | Direct only. A Workflow app was renamed. |
lcap_app_unpublished | Direct only. A Workflow app was unpublished. |
lcap_app_updated | Direct only. A Workflow app's configuration was updated. |
# LCAP::Models::Page
Event type | Description |
lcap_page_created | Direct only. A Workflow app page was created. |
lcap_page_deleted | Direct only. A Workflow app page was deleted. |
lcap_page_moved | Direct only. A Workflow app page was moved. |
lcap_page_renamed | Direct only. A Workflow app page was renamed. |
lcap_page_updated | Direct only. A Workflow app page was updated. |
tags_added | Direct only. Tags were added to a Workflow app page. |
tags_removed | Direct only. Tags were removed from a Workflow app page. |
# LookupTable
Event type | Description |
lookup_table_created | A lookup table was created. |
lookup_table_deleted | A lookup table was deleted. |
lookup_table_exported | A lookup table was exported as a CSV file. |
lookup_table_imported | A lookup table was imported as a CSV file. |
lookup_table_moved | A lookup table was moved to a different project. |
lookup_table_renamed | A lookup table was renamed. |
lookup_table_truncated | A lookup table was truncated. |
lookup_table_updated | A lookup table was updated. |
# ManagedUserGrant
Event type | Description |
customer_manager_assigned | Embedded partners only. A customer manager was created and assigned to customer workspace(s). |
customer_manager_removed | Embedded partners only. A customer manager was removed from customer workspace(s). |
customer_manager_updated | Embedded partners only. A customer manager assignment was updated. |
team_membership_created | A user joined a workspace with a specific role. |
team_membership_deleted | A user was removed from the workspace. |
team_membership_updated | A user's collaborator role was updated. |
workspace_moderator_assigned | A workspace moderator was assigned. |
workspace_moderator_removed | A workspace moderator was removed. |
workspace_moderator_updated | A workspace moderator was updated. |
# MemberInvitation
Event type | Description |
saml_sso_team_invitation_accept | A collaborator accepted the workspace invitation for a workspace with SAML SSO enforcement enabled and joined with a specific role. |
team_invitation_accept | A user accepted the workspace invitation and joined the workspace with a specific role. |
team_invitation_created | A user invited another user to join the workspace with a specific role. |
team_invitation_deleted | A user cancelled the invitation for a user to join the workspace. |
team_invitation_reject | An invited user refused to join the workspace. |
team_invitation_updated | A user updated another user's invitation by changing their collaborator role. |
# OrganizationAdapterPublication
Event type | Description |
organization_adapter_publication_created | A shared connector was deployed either from Automation HQ to all workspaces or from the Admin console to Embedded customer workspaces. |
organization_adapter_publication_updated | A shared connector was redeployed with a new version either from Automation HQ to all workspaces or from the Admin console to Embedded customer workspaces. |
organization_adapter_publication_deleted | A shared connector was removed either from all workspaces or from customer workspaces. |
# Package
Event type | Description |
package_exported | A package was exported. |
package_imported | A package was imported. |
# PrivilegeGroup
Event type | Description |
role_created | A collaborator role was created. |
role_deleted | A collaborator role was deleted. |
role_permissions_changed | The permissions for a collaborator role changed. |
role_updated | A collaborator role was updated. |
# Project
Event type | Description |
project_created | A project was created. |
project_deleted | A project was deleted. |
# ProjectBuild
Event type | Description |
project_build_downloaded | A project build was downloaded. |
# ProjectProperty
Event type | Description |
project_property_created | A project property was created. |
project_property_deleted | A project property was deleted. |
project_property_updated | A project property was updated. |
# SharedAccount
Event type | Description |
connection_connected | A connection was established successfully. |
connection_created | A connection was created. |
connection_deleted | A connection was deleted. |
connection_disconnected | A connection was disconnected. |
connection_moved | A connection was moved to a different folder. |
connection_updated | A connection was edited. |
tags_added | Tags were added to a connection. |
tags_removed | Tags were removed from a connection. |
# SharingToken
Event type | Description |
sharing_token_created | A sharing token was generated for a recipe. |
sharing_token_deleted | A sharing token was revoked for a recipe. |
# Tags::Models::Tag
Event type | Description |
tag_created | A tag was created. |
tag_deleted | A tag was deleted. |
tag_updated | A tag was updated. |
# TeamProfile
Event type | Description |
scim_token_created | A System for Cross-domain Identity Management specification (SCIM) token was created. |
scim_token_refreshed | A SCIM token was refreshed. |
scim_token_revoked | A SCIM token was revoked. |
team_profile_auth_method_changed | The workspace authentication method was changed. |
team_profile_created | The workspace authentication method was created. |
team_profile_handle_changed | The workspace ID was changed. |
team_profile_jit_provisioning_disabled | SAML SSO Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning was disabled for the workspace. |
team_profile_jit_provisioning_enabled | SAML SSO Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning was enabled for the workspace. |
team_profile_name_changed | The workspace name was changed. |
team_profile_role_sync_disabled | Roles sync through SAML SSO was disabled for the workspace. |
team_profile_role_sync_enabled | Roles sync through SAML SSO was enabled for the workspace. |
team_profile_saml_configured | SAML SSO setting was saved for the workspace using a specific SAML provider. |
team_profile_saml_required_disabled | SAML SSO enforcement was disabled for the workspace. |
team_profile_saml_required_enabled | SAML SSO enforcement was enabled for the workspace. |
# Topic
Event type | Description |
topic_created | An event topic was created. |
topic_deleted | An event topic was deleted. |
topic_reset | An event topic was reset. |
topic_retention_updated | The message history retention of the event topic was updated. |
topic_schema_updated | An event topic schema was updated. |
topic_updated | An event topic was updated. |
# User
Event type | Description |
account_activated | A workspace was activated. |
account_activation_email_resent | A workspace activation email was re-sent. |
account_activation_email_sent | A workspace activation email was sent. |
account_email_updated | An account email was updated. |
admin_two_fa_disabled | Two-factor authentication (2FA) was disabled for the workspace. |
app_access_changed | App access for the workspace or for an Embedded customer workspace was updated. |
aws_iam_external_id_scope_updated | Amazon Web Services (AWS) Identity and Access Management (IAM) external scope was updated. |
child_user_created | Embedded partners only. An Embedded customer workspace was provisioned. |
child_user_deleted | Embedded partners only. An Embedded customer workspace was deleted, or a specific environment within a customer workspace was deleted. |
data_retention_settings_updated | The workspace data retention settings were updated. |
delegated_admin_password_updated | The delegated admin password was updated. |
email_change_initiated | An email change was initiated. |
emails_receiving_admin_notifications_updated | The admin notification email addresses were updated. |
emails_receiving_error_notifications_updated | The error notification email addresses were updated. |
embedding_configuration_changed | Embedded partners only. The embedding configuration was changed. For example, the origin URLs or frame ancestors were changed. |
environment_provisioned | Environments were enabled for the workspace or a specific customer workspace. |
error_notification_throttling_disabled | Error notification throttling was disabled. |
error_notification_throttling_enabled | Error notification throttling was enabled. |
external_id_updated | Embedded partners only. The external ID for a customer workspace or a specific environment in the customer workspace was updated. |
flows_concurrency_batch_update | The recipe concurrency was updated. |
kms.key_id_updated | The key management system key ID was updated. |
kms.key_material_updated | The key management system key material was updated. |
kms.policy_changed | The key management system policy was changed. |
kms.policy_enabled | The key management system policy was enabled. |
kms.policy_updated | The key management system policy was updated. |
manager_added | A delegated admin was added to the workspace. |
manager_removed | A delegated admin was removed from the workspace. |
max_worker_concurrency_changed | The maximum number of concurrent workers that can be assigned to a recipe was changed. |
password_changed | The account password was changed. |
password_reset_requested | A password reset was requested. |
password_set | An account password was set. |
password_was_reset | An account password was reset. |
plan_addons_changed | The add-ons for a workspace were changed. |
plan_detail_changed | The plan detail was updated. |
plan_limit_changed | The plan limit was changed. |
secret_manager_cache_cleared | The secrets manager cache was cleared. |
secret_manager_created | An external secrets manager was added to the workspace. |
secret_manager_scope_updated | The external secrets manager scope was updated. |
secret_manager_updated | The external secrets manager for the workspace was updated. |
switch_environment | A user switched to a different environment. |
two_factor_authentication_disabled | Two-factor authentication was disabled for an account. |
two_factor_authentication_enabled | Two-factor authentication was enabled for an account. |
two_factor_authentication_recovery_codes_downloaded | The two-factor authentication recovery codes for an account were downloaded. |
two_factor_authentication_recovery_codes_viewed | The two-factor authentication recovery codes for an account were viewed. |
user_deleted | A user account was deleted. |
user_login | A user signed in to their account. |
user_login_failed | A user's sign-in attempt failed. |
user_logout | A user signed out of their account. |
user_restored | A previously deleted user account was restored. |
workspace_automatically_provisioned | Access to a workspace was automatically provisioned. |
workspace_automatically_updated | Access to a workspace was automatically updated. |
# WorkatoDbTable
Event type | Description |
tags_added | Tags were added to a data table. |
tags_removed | Tags were removed from a data table. |
workato_db_table_created | A data table was created. |
workato_db_table_deleted | A data table was deleted. |
workato_db_table_download | The CSV file was downloaded for a data table. |
workato_db_table_file_column_download | A data table file column was downloaded. |
workato_db_table_record_created | A record was added to a data table. |
workato_db_table_record_deleted | A record was removed from a data table. |
workato_db_table_record_updated | A record was edited in a data table. |
workato_db_table_renamed | A data table was renamed. |
workato_db_table_schema_updated | The structure of a data table was updated. |
# WorkatoSchema
Event type | Description |
common_data_model_created | A common data model was created. |
common_data_model_deleted | A common data model was deleted. |
common_data_model_updated | A common data model was updated. |
# WorkatoTemplate
Event type | Description |
message_template_created | A message template was created. |
message_template_deleted | A message template was deleted. |
message_template_updated | A message template was updated. |
# dashboards_page
Event type | Description |
dashboards_page_created | An Insights dashboard was created. |
dashboards_page_deleted | An Insights dashboard was deleted. |
dashboards_page_renamed | An Insights dashboard was renamed. |
dashboards_page_updated | An Insights dashboard was updated. |
# field_map_schema
Event type | Description |
field_map_schema_updated | Dynamic field mapping for a recipe was updated. |
# lcap_app_user_group_role_assignment
Event type | Description |
lcap_app_user_group_role_assignment_created | Direct only. A role was assigned to a Workflow app user group. |
lcap_app_user_group_role_assignment_deleted | Direct only. A role was removed from a Workflow app user group. |
lcap_app_user_group_role_assignment_updated | Direct only. A role was updated for a Workflow app user group. |
# lcap_app_workflow_stage
Event type | Description |
lcap_app_workflow_stage_created | Direct only. A Workflow app stage was created. |
lcap_app_workflow_stage_deleted | Direct only. A Workflow app stage was deleted. |
lcap_app_workflow_stage_renamed | Direct only. A Workflow app stage was renamed. |
lcap_app_workflow_stage_updated | Direct only. A Workflow app stage was updated. |
# lcap_apps_portal
Event type | Description |
lcap_apps_portal_authentication_settings_updated | Direct only. The authentication settings of the Workflow apps portal were updated. |
lcap_apps_portal_branding_settings_updated | Direct only. The branding settings of the Workflow apps portal were updated. |
lcap_apps_portal_embedding_settings_updated | Direct only. The embedding settings of the Workflow apps portal were updated. |
lcap_apps_portal_renamed | Direct only. The Workflow apps portal was renamed. |
lcap_apps_portal_url_updated | Direct only. The Workflow apps portal URL was updated. |
# lcap_user
Event type | Description |
lcap_user_deleted | Direct only. A Workflow apps portal user was deleted. |
lcap_user_invited | Direct only. A Workflow apps portal user was invited and added. |
lcap_user_renamed | Direct only. A Workflow apps portal user was renamed. |
lcap_user_user_groups_changed | Direct only. A Workflow apps portal user was added to or removed from a user group. |
# lcap_user_group
Event type | Description |
lcap_user_group_created | Direct only. A Workflow apps user group was created. |
lcap_user_group_deleted | Direct only. A Workflow apps user group was deleted. |
lcap_user_group_renamed | Direct only. A Workflow apps user group was renamed. |
# test_case
Event type | Description |
test_case_copied | A test case was copied. |
test_case_created | A test case was created. |
test_case_deleted | A test case was deleted. |
test_case_renamed | A test case was renamed. |
test_case_updated | A test case was updated. |
Last updated: 1/8/2025, 8:56:53 PM